Episode 72: Sean Jackson

November 24, 2023

Here are a few things you might not know Sean Jackson: He eats Belgian waffles every morning with a side of barleywine syrup; a statue of Manneken Pis of Brussels, the Belgian national symbol depicting a peeing boy, waters Jackson’s home backyard hop plants; he named his first homebrewed “Much to my Chimay.” What you most likely do know about the man beneath the Dead Guy cap is that he was raised in Arizona, worked at The Rock Wood Fired Pizza in Tacoma, homebrewed with Matt Coughlin before Matt left to brew at Double Mountain, brewed with E9 Head Brewer Shane Johns at the old Engine House No. 9 brewery, ran the Parkway Tavern for years before he became head bartender at E9 Brewing. The Grit & Grain skips that podcast gold as we catch up with our former co-host Sean Jackson over cellared beers on Episode 72 recorded in Producer Doug’s Mackey’s backyard Barleywine Shack.

Tap, tap, tap

Alright, Grit and Grainers! Email us at cheers@gritandgrainpodcast.com with your comments, opinions, and better F-up stories than Sean Jackson’s crazy tales (good luck). You can subscribe to GGP on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, iHeartRadio, and Stitcher, and please leave us a review. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

If this podcast is not what you expected, please alter your expectations. No such thing as a bad time to visit Tacoma. No such thing as too much barleywine. Tune in next Friday for more sweet chatter. Cheers!

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