Episode 134: Tacoma Beer Week with Lander Coffee

March 7, 2025

The Grit & Grain ramped up Tacoma Beer Week 2025 over several episodes leading up to its March 1 launch. Now, knee deep in glorious TBW festivities, we’re thrilled to offer back-to-back episodes discussing our collaboration with Logan Brewing, No Bad Time Black IPA.

For Episode 134, we waited for Dusty Johnson to cycle across town before we sipped his Nitro Cold Brew together. Dusty, who owns Lander Coffee, State Street Beer Co., and the newly opened Wily Cycleworks bike, beer and coffee honey hole. He discussed his journey through the beer and coffee world and how it led him to opening businesses aimed at serving the local community. And, of course, we dive into the special coffee that inspired No Bad Time.

Tune-in next week for Episode 135 with Logan Brewing’s take on the beer.

Tap, tap, tap

Alright, Grit & Grainers! Email us at cheers@gritandgrainpodcast.com with your comments, opinions, and favorite Tacoma Beer Week 2025 events. You can subscribe to GGP on YouTube, Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, and iHeartRadio, and please leave us a review. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If this podcast is not what you expected, please alter your expectations. No such thing as a bad time to visit Tacoma. No such thing as too much barleywine. Tune in next Friday for more sweet chatter. Cheers!

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