Episode 111:  Beer Beef

September 7, 2024

Happy September, Grit and Grainers!

Fresh Hop season is upon us, we’ve recovered from all the Tacoma Beer Week festivities, and Ron is out of town this week on a west coast adventure … so we figure it’s a perfect time to talk about our beer beef!

Everyone has pet peeves in the industry so let’s talk about ’em!  What bugs us and what bugs you!  We get into why some pet peeves are totally legit and why some are bullsh*t.

Crack a beer and get ready for the gripes.  And let us know what bugs you most about beer.  It definitely won’t be our only beer beef episode so if you’ve got any, send it our way!

Tap, tap, tap

Alright, Grit & Grainers! Email us at cheers@gritandgrainpodcast.com with your comments, opinions, and your beer beef. You can subscribe to GGP on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, and iHeartRadio, and please leave us a review. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If this podcast is not what you expected, please alter your expectations. No such thing as a bad time to visit Tacoma. No such thing as too much barleywine. Tune in next Friday for more sweet chatter. Cheers!

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