Episode 109: Iconic Bites of Tacoma with Kris Hay, Part 2

August 23, 2024

Welcome back to part 2 pairing beer and Tacoma iconic bites with Kris Hay of Tacoma Aroma Flavor.

The journey continues with three new bites this week: Pao’s Glazed donuts, potato perogies from Zaya Cafe, and the classic sea salt caramel chocolates from Johnson Candy Co. We get into which beers pair with them and why.

Between bites, Kris expands on a few of her favorite Tacoma food spots, and we all get into our favorite types of food in the area. There are way more than six iconic bites in our wonderful city so we also talk about a few that could’ve easily been a part of this series (and may be in the future 😉).

Crack a beer and, if you can, grab a bite from one of these spots, while you listen in. 

Tap, tap, tap

Alright, Grit & Grainers! Email us at cheers@gritandgrainpodcast.com with your comments, opinions, and your favorite Tacoma iconic food paired with beer. You can subscribe to GGP on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, and iHeartRadio, and please leave us a review. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If this podcast is not what you expected, please alter your expectations. No such thing as a bad time to visit Tacoma. No such thing as too much barleywine. Tune in next Friday for more sweet chatter. Cheers!

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