Episode 104: Leaving the Lawyer Life Behind with Rob and Abe from Ilk Beer

July 26, 2024

Welp!  We did it guys.  Episode #104 marks 2 years in the books for us at the Grit & Grain Podcast.  We figured there was no better way to put a bow on year 2 than to hang out with our friends at Ilk Beer in their new taproom, The Ilk Lodge, and share a few pints of our amazing collaboration beer, Alter Your Expectations IPA, and a few special bottles from Ilk Beer partner, Rob Booher.

Getting to know more about Rob is a huge treat. He’s been a behind the scenes partner at Ilk in some ways but has been a huge player in their success — handling sales and distribution for their fantastic beers, and indeed made the move from a life of lawyering to do so.  Tune in to hear about the transition from the world of law to the world of beer.

Cheers to 2 years!  See you all in year 3 with tons of special episodes to come.

Tap, tap, tap

Alright, Grit and Grainers! Email us at cheers@gritandgrainpodcast.com with your comments, opinions, and ilk. You can subscribe to GGP on Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, and iHeartRadio, and please leave us a review. Be sure to also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If this podcast is not what you expected, please alter your expectations. No such thing as a bad time to visit Tacoma. No such thing as too much barleywine. Tune in next Friday for more sweet chatter. Cheers!

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