“By time the window is actually breaking I’m standing by … (Double Mountain founder Matt) Swihart and I’m mortified. I’m fired — here we go. And Swihart looks at me and goes, ‘Well, now we…
Grit & Grain Podcast sat down with Matty Coughlin of Double Mountain Brewery & Cidery this week. Coughlin was known as Matty when he filled the Tacoma concert venues with music in the mid-2000s when…
During Prohibition, a blind pig called “The Skoog” poured beer and liquor for Tacomans who, first, could find the speakeasy, and second, knew the password or secret phrase. The Skoog still exists in Tacoma for…
“When we first name “Bodhizafa” … we spelled it B.o.d.h.i.z.a.f.a. phonetically, and then we Googled it and Patrick Swayze was the first thing that came up. “That’s it!” explains Manny Chao, co-founder of Georgetown Brewing,…
In 2002, after eight batches, Manny Chao and Roger Bialous high-fived in their Seattle backyard after nailing their Manny’s recipe — a pale ale that went on the be Seattle’s beer. Chao was the first…